What is inside

Spirit Varnish Complete Course

  1. MATERIAL LIST: a list of all the materials that you need for varnishing form A to Z and all links where to buy them
  2. MATERIAL PREPARATION: in this 10 videos I will explain you how to make all the ingredients you need and I will tell you all the techniques we will use.
  3. PRIMING: in this 3 videos I will show you how to prepare the wood before we will apply the varnish itself. How to color the flames and how to make the base for having a beatiful and most of all an amazing sounding violin. Because the fundament of a good sounding instruments are here.
  4. VARNISHING: 16 videos and more the 7 hours will walk you step by step into the marvelous world of spirit varnish. I will show you every single minute of my work and we will do it together, enjoying every single minute.


  Welcome Intro
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Material List
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Material preparation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  1. Priming - Ground Color
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2. Sealing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3. Varnishing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🔵 How to Filter Varnish
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🔴 What can go wrong
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🔵 Varnishing Week Carcassi model viola LIVE (May 2022)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  🟢 Varnishing Week D. Montagnana model violin "Pistor" LIVE (April 2023)
Available in days
days after you enroll

Spirit Varnish Complete Course

Varnishing can be easy if someone is telling you what to do!

You are in the right place: Open the door of your success!

I am sharing with you my experience of more of 23 years.

23 Years made of passion, experiments and satisfaction.

23 Years of experience that brought me where I am.

An affirmed violinmaker, one of the most requested and expensive women violinmaker in the whole world. 

Varnish itself is related to a good sounding violin and instrument more than you can ever imagine.

This varnishing course will be a jumping step, a jumping step that will allow you to enter and conquer the beautiful world of varnishing, a jumping step that will open you many doors of knowledge and will open you the eyes of curiosity.

I am explaining in a very simply, clear and honest way everything I do. From A to Z.

From the preparation of all the materials, to the priming of the wood, to the varnishing, polishing and antiquing.

Maybe I am crazy..... doing something that even teacher in school don't do most of the time: share everything with no filters.

I want you to learn and to be able to varnish your instrument.

Your success will be my success 🌸