What is inside
Spirit Varnish Complete Course
- MATERIAL LIST: a list of all the materials that you need for varnishing form A to Z and all links where to buy them
- MATERIAL PREPARATION: in this 10 videos I will explain you how to make all the ingredients you need and I will tell you all the techniques we will use.
- PRIMING: in this 3 videos I will show you how to prepare the wood before we will apply the varnish itself. How to color the flames and how to make the base for having a beatiful and most of all an amazing sounding violin. Because the fundament of a good sounding instruments are here.
- VARNISHING: 16 videos and more the 7 hours will walk you step by step into the marvelous world of spirit varnish. I will show you every single minute of my work and we will do it together, enjoying every single minute.
- Albumina (3:27)
- Tea and Carbonate (5:01)
- Coloring tea and carbonate with Pigments (8:52)
- 🔵 Coloring tea and carb. with Caramel (3:30)
- 🔵 Caramel (18:51)
- Spirit varnish (9:17)
- Make color for coloring spirit varnish 1 (9:42)
- 🔵 Make color for coloring spirit varnish 2 (13:38)
- French polish (6:42)
- Benzoin (4:44)
- Scotch tape (5:28)
- Salt (16:33)
- Asphalt antiquing (1:19)
- 🟢 Antiquing LAPIS Graffite (4:13)
- 🔵 Oxidizing top (15:52)
- 1. First Coat (14:10)
- 2. Second Coat (14:13)
- 3. First Polishing (20:18)
- 4. Bruno Van Dyke (44:39)
- 5. Varnish over bruno (10:02)
- 6. Colored Coats (33:45)
- 7. A whole day process (61:40)
- 8. Before scotch tape (32:31)
- 9. Scotch and varnish (8:52)
- 10. More coats (5:41)
- 11. removing scotch tape (7:11)
- 12. Antiquing after salt (53:44)
- 13. Retouching after antiquing (23:20)
- 14. Before benzoin (26:29)
- 15. Benzoin (12:48)
- 16. The End (7:55)
Spirit Varnish Complete Course
Varnishing can be easy if someone is telling you what to do!
You are in the right place: Open the door of your success!
I am sharing with you my experience of more of 23 years.
23 Years made of passion, experiments and satisfaction.
23 Years of experience that brought me where I am.
An affirmed violinmaker, one of the most requested and expensive women violinmaker in the whole world.
Varnish itself is related to a good sounding violin and instrument more than you can ever imagine.
This varnishing course will be a jumping step, a jumping step that will allow you to enter and conquer the beautiful world of varnishing, a jumping step that will open you many doors of knowledge and will open you the eyes of curiosity.
I am explaining in a very simply, clear and honest way everything I do. From A to Z.
From the preparation of all the materials, to the priming of the wood, to the varnishing, polishing and antiquing.
Maybe I am crazy..... doing something that even teacher in school don't do most of the time: share everything with no filters.
I want you to learn and to be able to varnish your instrument.
Your success will be my success 🌸